What Are The New Ways People Can Use Technology To Change The World ?

Technology is changing the way we live. New discoveries are bringing in unimaginable innovations. What was impossible yesterday is a reality today. Future has many more surprises in store for us. Let us look at the big ones:

Some of the new ways technology is helping in changing the world

  1. 3D printing
    This would change the rules of global manufacturing. With 3D printing, three-dimensional solids are created from the digital models. With new technology, the manufacturing would become easy, effective and quick.
  2. Digital imaging
    The world can be seen like never before with the help of digital imaging. The drone surveillance would help in improving the quality of safety. In medical science, the imagining technology will help the doctors to diagnose the disease more effectively.
  3. Automated vehicles
    This technology is going to help those who don’t know how to drive. With artificial intelligence controlling the vehicles, there is no need of human counterpart to assist in road safety. This would cause lower accident rates and help in ensuring safety.
  4. Mind-controlled prosthetics
    This is a new technology that is assistive for disabled people. The prosthetic limbs are brain controlled which gives real responses. The sensory feedback is controlled by the mind. Exoskeletons combined with artificial intelligence yields such a unique technology which would make the disabled feel good again.
  5. Artificial intelligence
    Automation is a great deal that has made human lives easier. The manual labour is replaced by machines which allow quicker tasks with minimal energy spent. However, artificial intelligence takes a step forward in the realm of future. With artificial intelligence, humans can take a back seat and enjoy machines doing all the work without guidance. They can even find a friend in automated robots for elder people.
  6. Genetic scanning
    With genetic scanning and gene editing, various genetic disorders can be eliminated. The DNA sequencing has helped the scientists to understand more about the history of human’s evolutionary process. This also helps in understanding the effect of the gene on humans and how the removal would help in preventing diseases.
  7. Nanotechnology
    Nanotechnology has changed the view of the world. The nanomaterials have replaced the non-renewable resources and helped in conserving natural resources on Earth. With nanotechnology, production becomes cheaper and more convenient.
  8. E-education
    Web-based education helps in effective learning and imparting knowledge to everyone. The uses of audio and visual tools enhance learning and facilitate memory.

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