Addiction to technology – is this something we should worry about?

As long as we know, one part of our species had the problem with addiction. From addiction to alcohol, which is still very relevant and problematic, to the addiction to modern technology. We have always struggled and tried to help the ones that had suffered some kind of addiction. There are millions of things that we as people could be addicted to. But we only talk about the biggest ones, and that is a reason. Nowadays, biggest addictions are an addiction to the alcohol, addiction to the cigarets, drug addictions, and addictions connected to the modern technology. But how severe can be an addition to the modern technology? What can we do to solve this problem? Or is this a battle that we can’t win because of so much implementation of the technology in our society? Well, we will tell you what we know in this article. So let`s start.

Is there really such a thing as addiction to technology?

The first thing that comes to our minds is the question. Is there really such a thing as addiction to technology? Well, even if the line of addiction and normal use has become smaller with the more and more technology implemented in our way of life. To say that there is no such a thing as addiction to technology would be pretty insensitive and dangerous statement.  There is definitely such a thing as a technology addiction, and it has become a pretty big problem for our society. Even defining the technology addiction from non-addiction has become such a big problem because we use modern technology for pretty much everything that we do. From playing the music, searching the web, playing the video games, watching the moves, to talk to one another and etc. It is hard to live a normal life if you are not the user of the modern technology. If someone uses modern technology very often, can we characterise that as an addiction or just as a necessity? You can see how hard it can be to define the technology addiction. But what are most common technology addictions that we can definitely identify as an addiction?

Most common technology addictions

There are many technology branches that can create an addiction that can be problematic, in some cases even fatal. Most common technology additions are video games addiction, social media addiction, and „always connected“ addiction. Most problematic of these three most common addictions is the addition to the video games. And why is that? We will tell you now.
People who are addicted to the video games usually spend many hours a day by just playing the video games. Their social life is none-existant. All the free time that they have they will spend by playing the video games. In some cases, they will even suffer just to continue to play their game. They won`t go to the bathroom or eat unless they are already on a brink of explosion. Some of them even spend few days playing the games without a stop. There were some cases of people who died because they were playing the game a few days without a rest. Their bodies just weren`t able to handle it. This sounds unbelievable, but it is true, and it had happened on more that one occasion. The two countries that have the biggest problems with gaming addiction are South Korea and Japan. The gaming culture is a pretty big thing in both of those countries. The professional games are even more popular that Sports stars. Which is unbelievable. They have their own fans, coaches, They play the games on the football stadiums. We can`t blame the professional gaming as the reason for this big problem, but it definitely has some influence that has caused the gaming addiction to rise to unproportionate levels. Those pro gamers spend more than 10 hours a day just playing the games. Which is insane and very unhealthy.  Many normal guys are willing to do the same to become pro players. And that is where this problem arises. But some people are addicted just because of the feeling that gaming gives them. They can`t reach that „high“ anywhere else.
Second addiction to the social media sites. With the rise of social media sites, everyone wanted to present themselves in the best light possible. And many of us are willing to do anything to do so. People who are addicted to the social media sites will spend hours and hours on end every day on those sites. They will post every hours or so, try to do anything to get that „perfect“ picture to post. The life that they present as real on the social media sites is a fake. It is something that they would like to have. Not something that they really have. And until those people don`t get rid of that addiction, they will never realize it how fake their life has become just because of a social media site.
And last addiction is related to the people who need to be always online. Who need to know everything that is happening online. From social media sites, videos, news, rumors, you name it. They are willing to do anything just to get the information first and to stay connected with the internet. If you took the internet away from them, they would not know what to do with themselves. Which is pretty sad when you think of it.
Technology addiction is a real thing that is affecting millions of people all around the world. It is a pretty new addiction that we need to study more, to find reasons why is it happening and how we can help people who are affected. But the problem also lies in the reality in which we live in. And that is the inclusion of technology in every part of our society. How will we overcome this challenges? Only time will tell. But we really hope that somehow we will overcome this problem. Because if we don`t, then we will have an even bigger problem on our hands.

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